Over a year ago, I made a commitment to support Barack Obama. I felt he was the right person for me to support. Being LDS, (Mormon) I found being an Obama supporter complicated at times. Not so much for me, but for some of my faith and others in my circle of friends.
I signed on early in the campaign to walk in my neighborhood, be a caucus leader and to put a yard sign up and a bumper sticker on my car. Because of these political choices, heard comments from some church folks about these choices, criticism from those who share my faith and from those that do not, snide comments in meetings such as Sunday School, questions of regarding my religious beliefs and even direct questioning of my faith. I still do not understand why my choice to choose Obama made such a stir in others. Maybe they wanted to admit to themselves they felt 'something' from him, but could not out of fear. I always chose to be positive, to smile and to not make comments back or about others. It was OK. I grew and I felt self-supported. And, I felt God's acknowledgement of my agency and my choice.
I have always felt in my heart that Mr. Obama was the right choice for our country at this time. It has been my choice. My vote. And now, he is my president. I am overwhelmed at the outcome and my feelings.
I get emotional each time I see him with his wife and children I remember hearing a radio interview with her when she said, "Barack has never disappointed me..." I felt the spirit tell me that this is what a marriage should be. We should strive to never disappoint each other.
I am so looking forward to 1/20/09. To me, this date in our history signifies change, a hoped for shift in our country. I know it will take time, there will be criticisms, there will be nay-sayers, there will be more harsh comments to endure, but my faith in Barack Obama is strong. My faith in God is secure. My heart is full. I love this country. I love my Faith. I love my spiritual path. I love that we GET to choose our President. Now, may we all move forward and find connection, love and make the effort to make a difference.
May we all feel hope in our futures.