Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Go, Go, Go, JOSEPH!

My oldest son, Grant, participated in our Stake's amateur production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Grant has been in several school plays and has really been bitten by the 'acting bug.' This play was more for the adults in our stake, but they did include all the teens and children who wanted to be involved. The production was so much fun and I enjoyed being part of the "Dream Team" as director of publicity - that is what I can offer as I don't sing, dance or act...that would not be my thing, but for Grant, he LOVES it! He is the extrovert child and I am the introvert mom. Here are a few pictures from the play. Please note, I was the proudest mom of a camel's rear end ever! Grant was also asked to write, direct and 'star' in the pre-opening skit...which he called "The Tacky Tourist" - it was pretty funny. He is in the tacky Goodwill shirt for this one.
Do you want to see more pictures?
Grant is the 2nd "Hump" putting Joseph in Chains The Tacky Tourist

Grant as a guard

the entire Cast! Wow..... <


dawnae said...

That is so cool, you must really be proud of Grant. That is a very hard thing to get up in front of people like that! Good Going Grant!

Anonymous said...

How fun!
I remember reading that story to Zac for family home evening when he was in middle school. Then I got out my soundtrack and we sang and danced to it (OK, I sang and danced - Zac doesn't do that).

Then, serendipitously, I opened the paper and there was an ad for a Joseph production at UCIrvine. The next day I bought tickets. When we went to the show it was a child's production. Everyone on stage was a kid! It was a lot of fun, and one of our great memories.

You must really enjoy being able to watch your son do his thing!

LaRae said...

I am sure there has never been a better camel's rear! Congratulations, Grant on "The Tacky Tourist." You probably already know that signature productions is putting on this play right now in summerlin. It lasts through Saturday. I didn't know you were in the monte cristo ward. I have lots of relatives in your stake! My uncle is a new bishop in the one of the wards.