Tuesday, May 22, 2007

By request, more of Wayne's artwork

Micalanne asked that I post a few more of Wayne's pieces of art work. So..here ya go! Enjoy
Wayne (the artist) and his friend KK at Universal Studios
Surfs up
Moonlight Serenity (this is painted on a piece of cardboard)
Free Parking
Abandoned Farmhouse

Shibuya Sunset (this is the city in Japan where we met)
Mid-Winter Morning
This one is for funnies....it is his co-worker. (Side note, when the boys were small, Wayne used to draw pictures of our Bishopric to entertain them..we would all get to giggling so much we got mean stares)
Duck Pond Sunset
Coronado Sunset


Micalanne said...

Love them! Free parking is infeciously giddy! And abandoned farmhouse has a nice Van Gogh feel. He is being daring in his use of bright colors for the sunsets. I can feel his signature in his nice rounded shapes and movement in his natural settings as well as his linearness (I think I just created a new word) in his cityscapes. Very nice, very nice indeed! Thanks for sharing!

Are these oils? Are they similar in size? You mentioned one was painted on cardboard, does he have a preference as to what he paints on or does he do a lot of experimentation with his "canvases"? Has he taken classes or is he self-taught?

dawnae said...

I just love the one he did of japan where you guys met....so cool..they are all wonderful. I too love the use of color, the vibrancy...very nice. (my fav. is the co-worker.) too funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm so envious. How lucky to have an artist in the house!

Janet Patrice said...


I'll try to answer a few of your questions...

He uses water color and just started "dabbling" with acrylics. They are usually 8 x 10, but he does paint on larger canvases as well, and he likes different textures...like the carboard. He has never taken any art classes, even in High School. His dad painted and he learned by watching him when he was growing up.

LaRae said...

These are all beautiful. I tried to pick a favorite, but I can't - they're all great!

Micalanne said...

Then I applaud him even more because: he uses watercolors (not easy!), and he is self-taught. Bravo!

Micalanne said...

Judy, you have an artist is your house! You should post Zac's Ballerina.

Anonymous said...

I keep going back and looking at the Shabuya Sunset painting. I really love it.

Micalanne, you're right. I will post Zac's ballerina.