Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Boys of Summer"

Well, here I am, in my empty house...sitting...enjoying the peace and quiet....

This morning, I took my boys to breakfast at Denny's, (we all had French Toast)and then took a few liberties to give counsel while they ate and then reminded them to "be like Jon Bon Jovi, and make a memory" as brothers this may be the last time they can go to camp together.

After my speech, (heavy sigh) I took my 2 full young men to the church to board vans to head up to Idaho for 9 days of camping, horseback riding and playing in a river.... (they are headed for Carey, Idaho - pop. 511)

They were a bit worried if they would "live" for that many days without TV, Mp3, Nintendo, Cell Phone, Internet,'s cookin' (well, not really), but I assured them it would all be here when they got back.

SO...who wants to P-L-A-Y?! I have no responsibilities until next Saturday, late evening. Well, except for cleaning my house, grocery shopping, doing my homework, going to work, feeding the dogs (normally the boys do this), keeping the dogs amused (the boys do this, too) picking up whatever the dogs do in the yard, (also, a job done by the boys) and ..... whatever else comes up....on second thought, I better stop Blogging and go clean the kitchen.....
A mother's work is never done.
(before anyone asks, no this is NOT me!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, what's a mom to do without her kids? PLAY! Too bad you have to do homework and pick up dog poop (both about the same level of desirability in my book). Denny's sounds delicious right now, but I'm being very good. I put on some lbs lately - that's what grad school will do to a body - what about you? By the way, how much longer do you have in grad school?

I hope your boys have a great trip. I haven't been camping in years. Last time I went, Zac and I heard animals, and in the middle of the night we packed up our tent and went home. Poor kid, I tried, I really did.

Anonymous said...

By the way, what is the pink scarf you are wearing for your graduation? Does it signify anything?

dawnae said...

Well, too bad I was not in town this week!?:( Bummer. Can my kids go to summer camp for nine days!!! Wow the things I could get done! Well have fun on your will be over before you know it. Thanks a lot for putting up that picture of me, I told you not to show it to anyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Dawnae, you crack me up. I was looking all over Janet's blog for you picture. Then I got it. LOL.

LaRae said...

So how's the peace & quiet & the dog feeding & poop scooping? I don't want to send my boy to scout camp. It's way too scary for me! Men don't watch boys like their mamas!

Janet Patrice said...

well...Wayne picked up the poo-poo today, my house is clean, the dogs are fed, but they miss their playmates....I have my homework done for Thursday, and it is only MONDAY...(that NEVER happens) I took today off, because Wayne is off on Monday, and we hung out all day - we looked for new furniture, talked a lot, sweated in the heat a lot, ate a very fun lunch at Costco and basically felt weird that we didn't have anyone to hurry home to, except the dogs to be fed at 4:30 - I even did my visiting teaching today!

LaRae - it is VERY HARD for me to let my boys go to camp, either on their own or together, but I know it is an important part of their growing up experience. Believe me, I have talked to leaders in the past about how they talk (or yell) at boys, I have discussed with them allowing boys to show emotion when approriate, and I have taught the adult class in my ward regarding the Scouts and I think they "get it" that I am a pretty attached mom and professional.

Anyway, today was nice, and tomorrow, I have to work, but basically, everything I needed to do to day, got done. Nice.

PS - Dawnae - that picture looks NOTHING like you - come on! I feel like that woman looks at the end of some days...but I hope I never ever wear curlers again in my life~

Anonymous said...

I feel abnormal. I loved sending my boy to camp.

Anonymous said...

OK wait. I have a memory. One time I sent my 14 yr old Zac to Catalina with the scouts. A 16 yr old kid punched him in the arm every single time he walked by Zac. When the boys returned, a leader brought Zac home and told me what happened, the older boy was sent home early, and not allowed to attend activites for a while. Zac had ginormous (that word is now in the dictionary) bruises on both arms.

I threw Zac in the car and sped to that kid's house. He lived in the same condo complex as Zac's dad. The kid wasn't there, but I let the mom have it. I showed her Zac's arms; I told her I was going to press charges against her boy for assault . . . (Oh yes, I am cringing at the memory). She broke down crying saying that he was out of control and she didn't know what to do with him. I didn't care. I told her to ship him off to military school. (By the way, this wasn't the kid's first time being a bully; he was an expert.)

Well, to make matters worse, Zac's dad is a cop. So I insisted that Paul put on his uniform, with the gun of course, and go over to that kid's house immediately and arrest him. Fortunately, Paul ignored me on this one. I ran into the kid on my way out of the complex, backed up, got out of the car and let him have it. He was a 16 yr old football player punching a 14 yr old scrawny kid . . . did it make him feel like a man . . . you know how it goes.

Well, the mom called the Bishop and the Bishop called me and asked me to come over to his house to talk. This Bishop was one of my favorite bishops EVER, and I would have done anything he asked me to do. So I went over, he told me he would support me if I pressed charges (honestly, I was crazy, but these weren't little bruises, Zac had been terrorized by this kid - it was pretty bad). But the Bishop calmed me down. I didn't press charges because the assault happened on Catalina and I would have had to go to the island to press charges (isn't that ridiculous). But anyway, to make a very long story end right now - I may not have had trepidation in sending my son, but I was sure a mama bear when he got home!

Janet Patrice said...

Judy - I would have pressed charges. I am of that "mama bear" persuasion as well.

LaRae said...

Judy & Janet - I hope I never have a kid who crosses yours! I was scared just reading your story, Judy. If I were that mom, I would have cried too! Yikes! I'll let know in 11 years how I do sending Ben off to scout camp. Do you think we'll still be blogging in 11 years?