Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"Mosaic - Amy Grant - Pieces of My LIfe So Far" ~ A simple pleasure; delighful

"Salt water is the greatest component of our world, yet some people have never seen an ocean. That doesn't change the ocean. It is constant and powerful, and like the love of God, whether we're immersed in it, standing on the shore or a thousand miles away, it remains." Amy Grant - "Salt Water" page 11 of Mosaic
As I sat to down to enjoy my copy of Mosaic ~ Pieces of My Life So Far by Amy Grant, I was happy to find the spare hours in an afternoon to just sit and read. It is a rare thing for me to really be able to sit and read as life is busy and I feel stretched often, so spending time with Amy Grant, who I consider a friend, was a delight.
I love the book, but I knew I would. I expected it to be more of a fluid story, but as I read each vignette of life experience Amy style, I was moved by her genuine caring for people, her deep love for her children, her amazement at finding Vince in her forties and her unwavering faith in God no matter her circumstance. I especially loved the story of her introducing the ocean to her nieces in the section Salt Water. (see opening quote) Amy loves the ocean, as do I and she took her nieces down Highway 98 to Destin, Florida so that these 3 young ladies could see the ocean 'for real' and not just from pictures in a National Geographic. After Amy parks the car, she tells the girls to close their eyes. And, as they opened them, the vast blue of ocean meeting sky was in front of them, and all the girls began to run to the ocean to be part of the wonder of one of God's greatest creations. Being a desert dweller, I can so relate to this feeling of being closest to God when I am on the beach. What a lovely reminder and truth Amy shared with this story.
I know this book will speak to many hearts as they share in Amy's life and know she struggles and soars just like the rest of us. She is open, honest and caring in her day to day living of life and in her sharing of her experiences, poems and music with the readers of Mosaic Pieces of My Life So Far by Amy Grant. What a pleasure to spend a day with Amy Grant and to being reminded to look at the beauty around us in life....and to remember, "We're just here to love Him..and in a little while we'll be home forever...We'll be home in just a little while."

To purchase a copy of Mosaic, click here:


Micalanne said...

"We'll be home in just a little while..." What a comforting a joyful thought!

Anonymous said...

I also reviewed this book. Also I went to two book events and have photos on my website.

Anonymous said...

Janet, I enjoyed reading your review, especially the part about the ocean and how it's a metaphor for God and faith. I was also surprised to read that Amy found Vince in her forties. She's only about 47, right? It seems like they've been married for longer than seven years. Wow.

I'm looking forward to receiving my copy. It should arrive any day now.

Janet Patrice said...

Micalanne - have you heard the song that the quote is from? If not, let me know and I'll get you a CD.


Micalanne said...

Well in order to answer your question, I have to get a promise from you that you won't beat me up or something; but no, I haven't heard the song and I rarely listen to Amy Grant (not that I don't like her, but I haven't been listening to any kind of music for a while now) Okay I'm cringing hoping not to get slapped...whew, no pain came! I think you must've fainted or something before you could harm me! I would love to hear the song!

Janet Patrice said...

Micalanne --- I am only sad you have not listened more to Amy Grant - mostly because she lifts my spirit like no other! And, I think she would do the same for you. If you would like, e-mail me your address, privately, and I'll get an "Amy Mix" CD in the mail for pleasure to share.

dawnae said...

Love your review Janet, you did a fantastic job. It makes me want to run out, and get her book. She is a real example for us all. Thanks for sharing your favorite thoughts with us.

Anonymous said...

OK, Mic, now I see why you wanted Janet's email address!

My book just came today. It was supposed to be here a couple of days ago, but the winds have been blowing off the UPS sticker thing that you put on your door for the UPS man to leave your delivery. So I mega taped it, and voila, it's here. I'll start reading it this weekend. I have to finish "The Mist" first - almost done.