Saturday, November 3, 2007

It's Halloweeeeeeeeeen Time

Even though the boys are older, they still enjoy the dressing up and getting / giving candy fun that is Halloween. This year, Grant's friend James joined us for an evening of Trunk or Treat at the Church parking lot. For the past few years, Grant has been 'in charge' of the handing out of candy to the 'little kids...' He made a spooky mix of Halloween music to play as he hands out the goods. It is fun to watch him enjoying the giving part of the night. Grant and James decided to be un-politically correct and dress as politicians . Grant was the Republican (much to his mom's disgust) and James was a Democrat (much to his own disgust). They both wore dark suites and red/white/blue ties and Grant slicked his hair back, a' la Mitt Romney. James, the democrat carried a big, fake knife and Grant, the republican, had on scary skull gloves. When asked what they were dressed as, they would say, "we are politicians...I'm a democrat, I'm a republican .... we are the scariest ones here!" I would have to agree.....
Democrats and Repulicans set aside their differences for one evening of handing out choc-o-late to the kiddies ....
Devin is 13 and still young enough to trick or treat and still loves the whole party atmosphere of the trunk or treat. A few weeks back, we were at one of those Halloween costume stores that seem to crop up the day after school starts and Devin saw one of those inflatable Sumo Suits. Well, he wanted that from the moment he saw I finally gave in after a few weeks and we went back to get it. He looked so cute and so big! He waddled around and belly bumped his dad - which looked hysterical! He also was the official assistant to the politicians - sort of like a chubby page... It was funny and he loved it!
Devin San in the center of it all....
Devin and his friend Spencer - who was on skates and who Devin pulled around all night - quite the site!


Anonymous said...

That Trunk-or-Treat looked like a lot of fun. It's been years since I've been to one. And your youngest in the sumo suit was hilarious!!! And politicians . . .ugh! They are right, they would be the scariest ones there. And where's the picture of you in your costume? October went by fast, didn't it?

LaRae said...

Devin looks great! I should have tried to find a costume like that in Ben's size. We joked that he should be a sumo wrestler because we could put his hair up in one of those little pony tails like they so often wear.

Grant looks very "Mitt Romneyish" and very "Janetish". I seriously can't imagine what it would be like to have someone look SO much like ME! I am amazed whenever I look at his picture - of course Grant is a much "manlier" version of you, but still!

dawnae said...

How cute! Love the sumo wrestler! What a great costume. So what is Grant's plat form??? How come we didn't see any pictures of you....did you dress up?