Friday, February 20, 2009

Intimate Issues and a FREE GIVEAWAY!!

(you must read to the bottom of this post to find the freebie!!)
Several years ago, I found myself wondering how to improve on my intimate relationship with my husband. I knew this was a normal type of question to ask, so I talked to my therapist at the time, and she suggested looking into a few books. One book I found to be very helpful was Intimate Issues by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus.
Now, as a Therapist-Intern myself, I have referred to this book to help women when questions about intimacy and sex have been asked of me. So imagine my excitement when I received an offer from the Publisher I review books for to review one of my most trusted and favorite books!!
AND there are 2 books for me to give away!!
Intimate Issues answers the twenty-one questions about sex most frequently asked by Christian wives, as determined by a nationwide poll of over one thousand women. Intimate Issues is biblical and informative: sometimes humorous, other times practical, but always honest. Through its solid teaching warm testimonials, scriptural insights, and experts’ advice, you’ll find resolution for your questions and fears, surprising insights about God’s perspective on sex, and a variety of practical and creative ideas for enhancing your physical relationship.
You can find Intimate Issues at the following on-line booksellers:
Now for the fun part --- answer this question and you could be entered to win a free copy of Intimate Issues. (I have 2 to give away)
Describe your most romantic evening out with your beloved?
winner will be chosen at random from all those who leave comments.


Unknown said...

Hi Janet,
Sounds like a beautiful book...
My most romatic evening was a beautiful December in 2000. The air was crisp, a light mist was bring out the desert smells and the sun was setting low in the east. My honey and I took a drive up to a mountain crest to share a moment of connection and to watch as the sun went to sleep..and to our amazement,just as we got situated on our pirch, a vibrant double rainbow filled the sky and least 100 swallows soops down upon us singing. It was magical!!!

Janet Patrice said...

Vickie - that is a really amazing moment shared with your honey. Thanks for sharing!!