Monday, February 26, 2007


I love this movie....
I have seen Dreamgirls 3 times now and I am open to go again with whoever needs someone to see it with.
I keep thinking about Effie White (Jennifer Hudson's character) and her struggle to find herself and her place in life during the movie. I relate to her in many ways. I have often felt misunderstood in my life for one reason or another. I was definitely not a 'diva' as she seemed to be in the movie, but I did have struggles fitting in and feeling normal. As an adult, I now know why I felt that way, but as a young person and a teen, I just felt weird and wondered what was wrong with me....there was nothing wrong with me, but there were things going on in my life that were wrong.
Now, as an adult, who has evolved - I see myself on the stage next to Effie White singing "I'm Changing..." and I have and I am - evolving everyday. Loving myself and the challenges I have faced. It is all for my understanding and my experience....
Do you think I'll win an award for my efforts? Probably not, but that is OK because my reward is a life full of joy, peace and understanding of what life has handed me and how I can love myself through it all.
If you haven't seen this movie --- go, go, a woman I loved the empowerment of it all....

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