Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Few Things I Love

My friend LaRae and my other friend Oprah gave me the inspiration for this post. I love the O Magazine that appears in my mailbox each month. Oprah always has her list of "things that I love" each month, so I thought I would post a few things that I love as well. My things are not extravegant and really, you could not rush out to Nordstrom to buy them, but to me, they are presious.... I hope this gives you a glimpse in to my life and lets you know me a bit better. Enjoy! My friend's magazine my talking pig clock from Japan (Ohiyo Gozimasu) Pooh - nuff said... Red Pear - great with cheese Art by my boys Dr. Pepper - big shocker, huh? Movies about strong women - my 3 all time favorites - Yentl, The Color Purple, and of course, Dreamgirls Music by strong women - Amy Grant, Diana Krall, Melissa Etheridge, Point of Grace, Alanis Moresette, and Nichole Nordeman - all of whom I have seen in concert....ahhhhh everything Japanese!

BOOKS! a few of my fav titles - (l to r) The Invitation, A Woman's Worth, Sacred Wounds, On Becoming a Person, Possessing the Secret of Joy, The Highly Sensitive Person, The Unfinished Marriage, Adolesence is not Terminal, and Legacy of the Heart; The Spiritual Advantage of a Painful Childhood.... Art by Jody Bergsma - l - Courage and r - an original of pigs I found on e-bay from the 1980's see www.bergsma.com all things PIGS! my very own Sharpies

The Velveteen Rabbit by Marjory Williams the art work is from illustrator Donna Green see http://http://www.donnagreen.com Last, but not least When I was in YW, we had a new beginnings and we all recieved a 'picture' with Jesus Christ. I love this and it touches me to know I will have this very experience some day.... SO, what do YOU love??


LaRae said...

Lovely post! I love red pears, too! I love the piggies book - you gave it to me when I had Madi & it has been a favorite of mine to me to read to all my kids. Ben is next! The picture of Christ is really neat. What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

This post was a great idea! I must have read that piggies book to Zac about a million times. Artwork from your boys - definitely something to save if you have a fire. Worth more than anything. I think the talking pig clock is really cool! Does it talk in Japanese? Do you get a chance to use Japanese much these days?

Fun post!

Janet Patrice said...

Judy - we still do speak Japanese. Grant is on a zone varience to a different HS so he can take Japanese - his choice, but I am glad he wanted to do this as it has been really fun to help him study...and to learn a few new things, too.

LaRae - I forgot I gave you that book with Madi...I always give books to babies ... fun to buy and so important to read to them!

dawnae said...

Love this post i missed it somehow.....okay you missed Paula Cole in the music department.....love love the pig clock....maybe if I had one I wouldn't be so grumpy in the morning.