Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Life - Mission or No Mission - That is the Question

I have been thinking about something for the past few weeks. The friend that I wrote about a few posts back and I got together for a visit at a park here in town and in the midst of our conversation, something interesting came up, and I am interested in other’s thoughts on this topic. We were talking about how some feel really lead to do certain things in their lives. They feel as though they have a “mission” to fulfill and a purpose to meet. I feel this in my life, as I have shared here before. But, does every person who walks this planet have a mission to fulfill? Do we each have a certain something we feel compelled to complete, an ideal to which we aspire? Or, are we here to 1) get a body 2) do what is right 3) find joy and 4) return to God? And, what we do with 1 – 4 is up to us to figure out so that we feel satisfied and joyful in the process of returning to God. What about the Aborigines in Australia? Do they also have a mission to complete? What would it be? What about the starving children in the Sudan? What about the homeless we see everyday? Do they also feel as if they need to ‘become’ something in this life, thus fulfilling a mission? I just don’t know. What I know for sure is this – I feel compelled to offer what I have to those I come in contact with. To work to help children be safe. To help others find a better way, if they should choose. To share what I have learned so that the pain can be lessened for another. In short, I feel these lyrics quite deeply; “Because I have been given much, I too must give...” and when I say ‘given much,’ I am referring to much adversity and the fortitude, faith and forgiveness to be able to overcome and become. This leads me to a 2nd conversation I had with my massage therapist last weekend. She is very intuitive and often can feel my emotional self, which really is helpful as I am having a massage to release the stress and stories of others I hear daily. She asked me, “What does the word ‘expectation’ have to do with you today?” (I had been thinking in that very moment about my other conversation with my friend) I said that I was thinking about a quote I have heard throughout my life, “where much is given, much is expected.” She asked what I thought it meant. I told her because of what I have lived through and learned, I have a sense or obligation of a spiritual expectation to fulfill and this expectation involves being present for others as they work through life’s difficulties. She completely disagreed that I had been given challenges SO THAT I would understand others – she felt that there is not an expectation, but in essences, I chose to help others instead of wallowing in my own misery or choosing to ‘check out’ of life instead of heal.... So, what do you think? Is there expectation? Do we all have a mission? I say “yes” to both questions....but this is based on my life’s experiences.


All Blog Spots said...

nice blog

Anonymous said...

I read a talk, and I'm going to look it up, by a general authority who said that we all have a mission that began in the pre-mortal existence, and this life is a continuation of that mission as will be our life after mortality.

dawnae said...

I too believe we have a mission...or to me a better word is purpose. I believe all spirits were and are given opportunities to fulfill our purpose, and we either live up to it or we don't. I think that is part of why we are here....or our mission I guess. I feel like I am talking in circles here.

As far as expectations go, I believe what you are saying is true...but also what your massage therapist is saying too....those that choose to make adversity into a learning, healing, and helping experience are that much futher in their spiritual "development", than someone else who may be languishing....but maybe that is their mission....to give others an opportunity for service....don't know...again circle circle circle. Okay now I am annoying myself and I will be quiet! Great topic though...you are so deep!

Anonymous said...

I had never thought about "given much" in terms of adversity. It changes everything. When times are rough, if someone gives, they will receive blessings. Also, giving takes our mind off our own stuff. Further, adversity can create in empathy for others who suffer. It's an interesting way to look at that saying.

dawnae said...

Janet check out my site.....I have tagged you baby!