Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Grant-E's Big Adventure

Grant was able to go on a 2 week Church History Trip with Latter Day Tours. Our house was pretty quiet without him here, but he had a great experiences and loved seeing new cities and sites. Here are a few of his pictures! Enjoy!! Sacred Grove Palmyra Temple - cool sky! John Lennon memorial Central Park Liberty Bell - through a window to avoid the line! (that is my boy) WWII memorial - every state who sent troops has a wreath Acting like a Canadian on the Maid of the Mist tour Niagara Falls - Canadian Side Ground Zero from the bus - NYC Hill Cumorah Original Book of Mormon transcript


Anonymous said...

That original BofM transcript is cool! Does Grant have dual citizenship cuz his dad's Canadian? Does his dad have dual citizenship? I would love to go on a tour like that. The WWI memorial - every state who sent troops got a wreath - troops to WWI? Wreath for 4th of July? Does Grant's middle name start with an "E"? Really cool pictures - I like the "Imagine" one. Did he put the flowers/leaves on there like that?

Anonymous said...

I meant WWII.

LaRae said...

Love all the pictures & what an amazing opportunity to go on a trip like that. My parents went on an American/Church history trip last fall through Boston & upstate New York as well as Niagra Falls. Now that I think about it, I am pretty sure they saw that transcript from the BofM too. Their tour guide was President Hinckley's son. Did Grant do the Garth Tesch trip? I know some kids who were going to go on that this summer.

Micalanne said...

Wow! Great pictures! And what a great experience. We have been talking about doing a church history tour for years. I like the Imagine picture, too.

Janet Patrice said...

Judy - Grant's middle name is Evan. My boys do not have duel citizenship, but I have thought about it in case the draft is ever brought back. Every state that sent troops to the war has a wreath
the flowers were and always are placed on teh John Lennon memorial in Central Park - he did not put any there.

LaRae - Grant went with Ginger and Larry Ewell with LD Tours They were in our ward prior to a split and he was our Bishop at one point. They are great and amazing folks. I was a chaparone on one of their trips about 7 years ago and looked forward to my boys one day being able to go

Sorry for answering your questions so slowly....