Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Love As A Way of Life by Dr. Gary Chapman

It is time for a book review!
"It is impossible to succeed without love." Dr. Gary Chapman
Dr. Gary Chapman's new book Love As a Way of Life speaks directly to my heart. I have felt for as long as I remember that if we as a human species could just offer love to each other in a non-judgemental, God centered way, our world could heal itself. Now, this book confirms how I have felt and the way I have tried to offer myself to the planet for me. This book, Love As a Way of Life is the follow up to The Five Love Languages and offers seven traits that lead to loving relationships.
These traits are:
1) Kindness
2) Patience
3) Forgiveness
4) Courtesy
5) Humility
6) Generosity
7) Honesty
Each chapter is full of suggestions and reasons that these traits are so important for us to cultivate and develop in our relationships. I especially liked the chapter on courtesy. How 'missing' is this trait in our day to day dealings with those whom we come in contact with daily? VERY!
The last few chapters are on making love a way of life in Marriage, Parenting and the Workplace. There are also quizzes and exercises to 'test' your levels in each of the seven areas.
I highly recommend this book as one that will enhance your day to day living of life and will give you a deeper insight into your own behavior as you interact in relationships.
I have one to give away....just be the first to say in a comment "I want more love" and I'll send you a copy.


Anonymous said...

As the lucky recipient of a couple of your other give-aways, I won't be greedy and say "I Want More Love." I completely agree with your statement about courtesy. Where have the manners gone? Sometimes I am astounded at the level of rudeness I encounter. I know I can work on being more courteous to my fellowman. Thx for the recommendation.

Micalanne said...

So glad you mentioned this book! I have his 5 languages of love. That book was a real eye opener and has been a great help for me to be able to recognize "how" I am being shown love by others. Being able to recognize that has made it so much easier to reciprocate and/or express appreciation of the love being given.

By the way, "I Want More Love"!!!

Janet Patrice said...

Micalanne - email me privately with your address and I'll get the book in the mail to you. It really is so good.

Tune in next week readers...I have another book to review (and give away!)
