Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fullfilling My Tag Request

So, I thought I would answer the questions, but not tag anyone else, as everyone has been tagged already!
1. What was I doing ten years ago..... I was working for a hotel, hating it, working too much, making a huge wage that was not worth the time it took to do the job, but loving my growing boys.
2. What was I doing one year ago..... Graduating from College (May 20) and then started Graduate School (June 18)
3. 5 snacks that I enjoy.....
Pringles Popsicles Oreos dunked in Milk Macayo’s chips and Salsa (I ate there today!) White Rice with Sugar and Milk
4. 5 songs I know all the lyrics to..... “I love you I do” – Dreamgirls / Jennifer Hudson Abide with Me – Amy Grant version Imagine – Amy Grant Heal Me! – Melissa Etheridge Shout it Out loud – Kiss (Ok, I admit it...I like KISS~!)
5. 5 things I would do if I were a millionaire pay off my student loans go to Ireland move to British Columbia set aside money for my boy’s future Go to a Debbie Ford “Shadow” seminar ( )
6. 5 bad habits napping too often being quiet when I am mad, stressed, tired, sad....etc. being too hard on myself watching the Gene Simmons reality show buying art (well anything) on e-bay
7. 5 things I would never wear again
a bra - if I didn’t have to shoes – if I didn’t have to 501 jeans braces 2 or 3 inch pumps (or does this count as shoes?)
8. 5 toys I love Legos Lightbright Pick Up Sticks UP Words Rummy King


dawnae said...

Hey thanks for answering the bra huh?? I have always wondered who invented those anyway! Great Answers!

Anonymous said...

Pringles, I'm with you there. Oreos dunked in milk, shhh, my thighs can hear you - I've told them Oreo's are extinct. I don't have a Macayo's here, but I treat myself to Baja Fresh chips & salsa every Friday. It's my relaxation ritual. White rice w/ sugar & milk - we used to eat that when we were kids and I loved it. Do you ever drink horchadas (sp)? That reminds me of milk, rice & sugar.

If you move to Ireland, take my son, he loves it there. He went there with his dad and one night they went on a tour of a haunted castle where they were staying. Well, they were the last tour of the day, and they stayed behind the group and GOT LOCKED IN!! They had to stay the night in a pitch dark haunted castle dungeon! Zac said it was really scary! He says he's going to move over there someday and I told him I would move there, too. He says that would defeat his purpose. I said, if you have my grandchildren you won't be able to get far away from me. My brother Greg's wife is from Ireland, and I love to hear her speak.

Darn it, Janet, now I have to go get some Oreos!!

LaRae said...

I must be tired because I just read that you liked "dipping Oreos in Macayo's salsa" - definitely had to go back & re-read that one! I'm with you on the 501 jeans - button fly, of course!