Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Television is SAVED!!

I love this show. After watching the Democratic Debate tonight, we switched over to watch Idol and laughed, cheered, enjoyed every second of it!!
Such mindless TV and so nice to enjoy it again.
Yea!! for Simon, Paula and Randy

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Very Important Video

View this montage created at One True Media How I Found My Purpose (click on the picture to view this important video.) The video I posted above is important to me. The girl in the video, Jess, completed suicide 9 months ago because of the pain and torment of her rape. Her partner and friend made this video as a tribute and as a way for her to heal and to tell others that it is possible to heal as well. Suicide is not the answer. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I join with all the millions of survivors of sexual assault and all related atrocities and I recognize the pain, the anguish, the horror and the desire to not live another day. But I also say, healing is avialable for all who desire it. God will take your pain and heal your heart if you allow Him in. I stand and use my voice for those who have yet to find their own. Janet - survivor and thriver

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Just a bit of Presidential information

Check out what my friend Rita Smith Executive Director of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has to say about Gov. Mitt Romney and her offer to all candidates. This is a recent press release.....
For Immediate Release!

Contact: Rita Smith, Executive Director of NCADV - National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

303-839-1852, x105 720-341-5858 mobile

I woke up this morning to disturbing news. Not the surprising reports of the outcome of the New Hampshire primary, although it is related to that primary. What disturbed me was during the last crush of campaign appearances, Gov. Mitt Romney exposed a significant lapse in his preparing for national leadership. During one of his campaign stops, a man asked Gov. Romney if he became President if he would veto the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. The man asked that question based on his assertion that men are falsely accused of domestic violence and lose contact with their children unjustly as a result of that. The questioner’s facts were not accurate, and exhibited a widely held belief that men are denied custody without due process and for no real reasons. My experience while working in this field for over 25 years is that just the opposite is true. Mothers are far more likely to lose custody when it is contested, and regardless of the evidence they may have of the father’s violence perpetrated towards her or the children.

That’s not what disturbed me the most, although the continual use of some men’s groups to spout bogus facts and statistics is a problem we need to correct. What disturbed me is that a smart and articulate candidate for President was unaware of an act that was passed in 1994 that addresses a significant issue for 50% of the people he is seeking to represent. I don’t believe that Gov. Romney believes that domestic violence is a good thing, or that he thinks the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which addresses domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence, is a bad act. I’m concerned that he did not make it a point to learn about federal legislation that is directed at making all of our homes, communities and schools safer. (THIS DISTURBS ME, TOO...Janet)

VAWA has been a strongly supported bi-partisan piece of federal legislation from its inception through the most recent reauthorization. Both Democrats and Republicans in both the Senate and House voted in huge numbers for this bill. It is literally saving lives, and that is an issue Gov. Romney, and every other candidate running for President should know about, be familiar with and be willing to support vocally if they want my vote.

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, and we would be happy to assist any of the candidates, from any party, in learning more about this important piece of legislation and how they can help make every home a safe home.

for more info - please read the Washington Post -


Monday, January 7, 2008

"What have you been doing?" asked Micalanne

I just received a message from my pal, Micalanne. She asked why I was so behind on blogging. My answer is....I really have no idea! I have thought about blogging, looked at my blog, thought about things a lot and wanted to put on the blog...but really.... I have no good excuse. Unless you count the holidays, but really, that should not count as I had a paid week off from work, had no school for 2 weeks and hung out with my kids. We saw 3 movies, ate out for breakfast 4 days and did lots of other fun and holiday type stuff together. It was nice to just hang out and to sleep in and to take couch naps and read and do n-o-t-h-i-n-g for a while. (I did volunteer a bit on the Obama campaign, but that was more fun than work) Now, I am back to work, back in school, back in action and feel like I should blog. Why is that? Anyway, I have 2 books to review for the blog and I have many thoughts in my brain I want to write about, but for now, I am watching "no brain" TV (Deal or No Deal) and hanging with my husband and beagles. BUT, I promise, I have about 4 posts coming your way so get ready!! 'Til then....love and peace