Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

I really did Graduate....In JULY!

It has been a VERY long time since I posted on my blog.....So, I thought I would add some pictures from my Graduation Day - Masters of Science in Counseling - Marriage, Family and Child Therapy. My study group, and good friends Janet, Linda and Andrea Our Thursday Night Class group Wayne, Grant, Devin, Janet and my dad (my mom was sick and could not attend)

My mentor and beautiful friend Margaret
My dear friends Blake and Barbara At the Graduation party at Andrea's home
This was a very memorable and special day. It was a culmination of 7 LONG and hard years of school, but it is so worth the effort!
Yea for me!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The End and the Beginning

Grant's High School career came to a close with his Graduation on June 11, 2009. I have been wanting to do a post that shows all the things that happen at the end of a Senior year, but somehow, I have been in denial that my son is so grown up....But, I have faced this fact and it is time for a post to commemorate this rite of passage.
Senior Prom
Grant's date Michele flew in from Texas to go to prom with him
Grant looking pretty cool in his Vans and fedora and tux.
Grant as 1st runner up to the prom king and the court.
Last High School Play Grant played Dr. Samuelson in Harvey
Senior Awards Night
Grant was given the
"Hall of Fame Award for Outstanding Achievement in Drama"
My son, the actor....
We are so proud and thinking..."Maybe this acting thing will take care of us in our old age."
Seminary Graduation
With Grandpa and Devin
Proud Parents
** Mom's note - Grant has received several accolades in his high school career, but he also received 4 special awards in Seminary this year. They were for attendance, scripture reading, scripture mastery memorization, participation and citizenship. I am most pleased with these spiritual growth awards more than any other award he has received. He is a special young man with so much to offer.
Bonanza High School Graduation
Setting the stage for Devin's Graduation in 2012
"Oh What? Oh Nine!" (remember those high school chants?)
Rainbow Company Graduation
Theatre Kids...being Theatre Kids (Grant and his fellow senior Joey)
The Rainbow Company 2008-2009 group
Next up for Grant......Leaving for College August 25th
Where has the time gone? Just yesterday.....
I was celebrating my "Pooh Baby...." BIG SIGH......

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Save the Date!! I'm Going to Graduate!

The time is finally here! Big news from our home to yours!
On JUNE 6, 2009 at 10 am at the Orleans Arena, I will walk across the stage and receive my Masters of Science in Marriage, Family and Child Therapy!!
All are welcome to attend the ceremony!
The evening of June 6, there will be a Graduation Party, so please keep the date open and get your party shoes ready!! Details to follow!!
AND if one graduation was not enough, lets add another!!
Grant will graduate from High School on June 11, 2009 at 9 am at the Orleans Arena, too!
June is a pretty exciting month for our family!!
Here is a picture of the soon-to-be Graduates!!

Photo credit - Lesli Streets of Leslie Streets Photography

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Having a son who is senior in high school has been a wake up call for me. In a few short months he will be starting a whole new life as a 'college student' and in just over a year, he will leave for a 2 year mission. All I can say is, 'where did the time go?' As his mom, I am so pleased with the young man I share my world with. He has become a kind hearted, open minded and really cool guy who I love so very much.
In February we took Grant and 2 friends to Ephraim, Utah to visit Snow College and so he could audition for a theatre scholarship. (Please note - Ephriam, Ut in February meant 23 degree weather...why do people live in such a place?)

Here are a few pictures from that trip....

I was walking behind the boys and I got teary as I realized Grant will be walking away from me and starting the next phase of his I took a picture.

The bell tower on Snow's campus. As you can see, there was no snow on the ground, but it was COLD for this desert rat

We were able to attend a performance by the Snow Theatre department of "You a Good Man Charlie Brown." Snow is the only (ONLY) college or university in the country that has an exchange program with Juilliard where students learn from Juilliard's instructors and professors. This is the main reason Grant wants to attend Snow. Amazing training by the worlds best.

Caleb, Grant and Aaron on the steps at Snow

Manti Temple - visible from the campus

Yardley Inn and Spa

Wayne and I stayed at a romantic little place I found online. The Yardley Inn and Spa was the perfect place to relax and enjoy our time away, "sort of" without kids. (Grant and friends stayed on campus) If you are ever up in the Manti area, or if you want a nice little get away...this is the place. The most amazing woman, Marlene Yardley welcomes you and runs the house. She is adorable and so steadfast in the Gospel - testifying at breakfast for the guests. And...we discovered Mrs. Dash in scrambled eggs is delicious! (this is also the location of the tub with feet from the previous post)

Grant was accepted at Snow! Now...we wait to hear about the scholarship!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Catching up... a photo journey

I have been a neglectful blogger. I admit it. I am guilty. I am in Grad School. (justification) What I have decided to do is to post a few photos of what our family has been up to the past while instead of posting a bunch of blog posts. All in favor, say "Aye" any opposed; (insert cricket noises) hearing none, I will proceed. Grant was in The Mousetrap (note his angry scene and mustache)

Devin grew within a half inch of his mom

A bath was taken in a tub with legs

Books were read (really good books)

I got to spend time with real live Goddesses (more about this later....)

my Dad perfected the "after Sunday dinner nap"

Wayne finished a painting, "Uji Temple"
...and started a new one

Our "all kinds of awesome" friend Lesli took pictures of Grant

our Mulberry tree bloomed...ah choo!

Devin perfected his Computer Graphic skills

Reggie thought about food

Gracie thought about world peace

AND.... we enjoyed life. Laughed. Did our day to day stuff and all in all.... enjoyed each other's company and had ....

May you do the same.

(Leave a comment and let me know there are really more than just crickets out in cyber space!)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Intimate Issues and a FREE GIVEAWAY!!

(you must read to the bottom of this post to find the freebie!!)
Several years ago, I found myself wondering how to improve on my intimate relationship with my husband. I knew this was a normal type of question to ask, so I talked to my therapist at the time, and she suggested looking into a few books. One book I found to be very helpful was Intimate Issues by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus.
Now, as a Therapist-Intern myself, I have referred to this book to help women when questions about intimacy and sex have been asked of me. So imagine my excitement when I received an offer from the Publisher I review books for to review one of my most trusted and favorite books!!
AND there are 2 books for me to give away!!
Intimate Issues answers the twenty-one questions about sex most frequently asked by Christian wives, as determined by a nationwide poll of over one thousand women. Intimate Issues is biblical and informative: sometimes humorous, other times practical, but always honest. Through its solid teaching warm testimonials, scriptural insights, and experts’ advice, you’ll find resolution for your questions and fears, surprising insights about God’s perspective on sex, and a variety of practical and creative ideas for enhancing your physical relationship.
You can find Intimate Issues at the following on-line booksellers:
Now for the fun part --- answer this question and you could be entered to win a free copy of Intimate Issues. (I have 2 to give away)
Describe your most romantic evening out with your beloved?
winner will be chosen at random from all those who leave comments.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Love Overload

I love books and I have been so fortunate to be a book-reviewing-blogger!
Here are 3 books for your Valentine's Day consideration.
1) I Do Again by Cheryl and Jeff Scruggs This book details the fascinating real-life story of a couple whose relationship seemed shattered beyond all hope until a spiritual awakening led them to reconsider their definitions of “happily ever after.” A riveting account of the power of prayer and redemption, this remarkable book offers renewed hope for even the most troubled marriages—and reveals why the rewards of restoration are well worth the wait.

2) Love As A Way Of Life ~ Devotional Book - by Dr. Gary Chapman I have the other books in this series and it is a favorite to quote in sessions with couples. I just really feel LOVE is the component we often forget in many areas of our lives. In his book Love As a Way of Life, best-selling author Gary Chapman shows readers how to cultivate a new lifestyle built around the seven characteristics of authentic love. Now in a companion devotional, he provides ninety inspirational readings to help Christians consistently live out the characteristics of love in every relationship.

3) For Couples Only Box Set by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn

I have enjoyed this series of books as well. Very useful way to help people (and myself) see things from the other gender's perspective.

Now together in the For Couples Only boxed set, these books provide the perfect resource to help you understand what you never knew about the woman or man in your life. Each volume is based on input from more than a thousand members of the opposite sex—including an unprecedented nationwide survey and hundreds of personal interviews. This innovative approach yields candid and surprising answers about everything you don’t “get” about your significant other—even what that person deeply wishes you knew.

To get these books for yourself, follow these Amazon Links: I Do Again:
Love As A Way Of Life Devotional:

Saturday, February 7, 2009


allow light to enter

open doors

ask in faith for blessing that No One hears

beg for solace

do all in spite of injury

serve the less

add a candle to the shadows

all in an effort

to wake up to


Monday, January 19, 2009

1/20/09 ~ Change Begins Today

Over a year ago, I made a commitment to support Barack Obama. I felt he was the right person for me to support. Being LDS, (Mormon) I found being an Obama supporter complicated at times. Not so much for me, but for some of my faith and others in my circle of friends.
I signed on early in the campaign to walk in my neighborhood, be a caucus leader and to put a yard sign up and a bumper sticker on my car. Because of these political choices, heard comments from some church folks about these choices, criticism from those who share my faith and from those that do not, snide comments in meetings such as Sunday School, questions of regarding my religious beliefs and even direct questioning of my faith. I still do not understand why my choice to choose Obama made such a stir in others. Maybe they wanted to admit to themselves they felt 'something' from him, but could not out of fear. I always chose to be positive, to smile and to not make comments back or about others. It was OK. I grew and I felt self-supported. And, I felt God's acknowledgement of my agency and my choice. I have always felt in my heart that Mr. Obama was the right choice for our country at this time. It has been my choice. My vote. And now, he is my president. I am overwhelmed at the outcome and my feelings. I get emotional each time I see him with his wife and children I remember hearing a radio interview with her when she said, "Barack has never disappointed me..." I felt the spirit tell me that this is what a marriage should be. We should strive to never disappoint each other. I am so looking forward to 1/20/09. To me, this date in our history signifies change, a hoped for shift in our country. I know it will take time, there will be criticisms, there will be nay-sayers, there will be more harsh comments to endure, but my faith in Barack Obama is strong. My faith in God is secure. My heart is full. I love this country. I love my Faith. I love my spiritual path. I love that we GET to choose our President. Now, may we all move forward and find connection, love and make the effort to make a difference.
May we all feel hope in our futures.